There is a good reason why I am so passionate in promoting the ministry of music, performing arts, and/or praise and worship here in the country: I am a product of one.
It was in 1999, when I was beginning to feel an insatiable void inside me to the point that I was adhering to the principles of absolutism (yeah, I was 13 then!). I had been living a highly ethical and upright life (at least according to my parents and the society). I was a consistent honor student and had never been involved in any troubles. I had it all coming for an ideal good daughter.
But I was not happy.
I unintentionally attended a worship service one morning of July, thinking that it was my uncle's birthday celebration. (My uncle is a pastor of the church where I am part of now.) There, I was intrigued with the worship leader's way of singing to God.
Why does it seem that the worship leader knows the God to whom she sings for intimately?
Are you just more than a concept of good and bad?
Can it be possible - that I can know You intimately, God?
Those were the thoughts running in my head as I awkwardly stand amidst a congregation of people who were likewise singing and raising their hands passionately.
Two Sundays after that, I attended Pastor Rommel Guevara's worship concert called "I Am Healed." At the end of the concert, he invited people to come and receive Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. Already caught by what I saw in the worship service earlier, I responded to the invitation.
That was August 14, 1999. And my life was never the same. I felt liberated. I knew I have a purpose. I believe that I was not just created to follow a set of rules - but to freely speak and sing of God's love and hope to all.
What if Ptr. Rommel didn't take his calling seriously?
What if you, fellow music minister, didn't pursue what God has intended for you to do?
What if Gospel music, as it is a struggling work now, just fade away in the Philippines?
I may not be able to thank Pastor Rommel enough for how he has unknowingly touched my life, but one thing I know and will hold closely in my heart and even guard my life with: I will not allow this generation to pass without giving it a chance to experience the saving grace of God through anointed and excellent music - just as it was given to me through the life of one Filipino Gospel music minister.
with Pastor Rommel Guevara |